Wednesday 2 September 2015

Working on Halloween Houses this WIP Wednesday

Wow! The response to my free Halloween Houses pattern and Quilt Along idea has been wonderful. And here I thought I was going to be sewing all alone. So I've been working on the quilt along today on WIP Wednesday.

Last night I was going through my stash at midnight, when I should have been sleeping, and pulled some more fabrics that go with the focal fabric from the "Witch Hazel" line that I showed you in yesterday's blog post. I am very excited to incorporate these into my Halloween Houses quilt too. It's amazing what you find in your stash!

This morning I sewed a couple of blocks to show the applique and improv options for the houses in my pattern. (Bottom middle and bottom right blocks). This afternoon I made three YouTube tutorial videos for the blocks and now I have blocks in various stages of completion.

The first video will be in Friday's quilt along post but if you don't want to wait to see it you can click over to my YouTube channel or my Facebook feed to see it (click on the mason jars in my sidebar). It's two minutes long and covers the basic house block. (Blocks on the left in above photo.)

Click over to my introductory post from yesterday to join in on the fun and find the link to my free pattern in my Craftsy shop. :)

Linking up with WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced (button in sidebar).


  1. Ooh, the tangerine and aqua look GREAT with black and gray for Halloween! A Haunted Houses quilt is a fantastic idea!

  2. Oh, those houses look great with windows and doors. I want to see more.


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